Bethany's story...
A little over a decade ago, Bethany found herself in a place where on the outside it looked like she was killing it but on the inside, it was killing her. She had climbed the corporate ladder and was an award-winning leader in the company. She and her husband had built their dream home. They had two healthy children and were financially healthy. Behind the scenes, Bethany worked 80 plus hours a week, was on-call 24/7, and traveled regularly. She and her family were disconnected and she felt exhausted, unfulfilled, resentful, and frustrated.
She began thinking about what she really wanted and started saying no to everything that didn't align. She found that all the pressure she felt was her own doing and that she was both the problem and the solution. She left her corporate role. She and her family sold everything and traveled the US in a motorhome. Her teens chose their journey and they left their pressurized life behind in pursuit of more connection and memories.
Today they are deeply connected and more fulfilled than they have ever been. As a dual certified coach and international speaker, Bethany helps women leaders and entrepreneurs depressurize their lives so they can get the results they want and live their Big Life - On Their Terms!